Back Home But Not Without Some Drama – May 4, 2024 – at the Clampetts

Back in New Hampshire where the weather is anything but consistent, unlike Southern California.  However,  no mud, except some still around the chicken coop, and plenty of pollen!

Hello Folks,

We made it home safe and sound.  The flights Tuesday were fine; no turbulence to speak of and pretty easy landings and takeoffs.  We had time enough in Chicago for me to get us a small pizza to share.  I didn’t realize until too late in the process that it wasn’t Chicago’s famous thick crust pizza, like we were expecting.   Plus it was the most tasteless pizza I have ever tasted!  B wasn’t thrilled with it either.  However, it was food and not snacks like we got on the flights.

Anyway, we landed back in Manchester, New Hampshire around 10:00ish.  It didn’t take long for our bags to come rolling off the conveyor belt, either.  I think we may have been the last flight in.  Then B had to trot to the parking garage for the car while I waited outside with the bags.  It was drizzly and very dark.  Along comes B and we pack up the car.

What we didn’t know was that it had rained most of Tuesday here in New Hampshire.  The drive home was slow and miserable because the road glare was terrible due to the rain and, in places nearer home, there was ponding on the roadways.  I thought we would never get home.  However, we rolled into Clampette-ville about 12:30.  I insisted B stop at the remote freezers so I would know if they were okay.  Like B said, what was I going to do about it if they weren’t okay at that hour.  I don’t know, but I ALWAYS check the freezers first thing when we get home as well as checking on the critters. 

Another thing I did not know was that B felt much worse than he had led me to believe.  Ever since Saturday night and into Sunday, when he had an “off day”, he was not feeling well.  By the time we rolled into our driveway, he really wasn’t feeling well.  Yes, B is sick.  He says all it is a chest cold, but I think it could be more than that. 

So, B has hacked, coughed, sneezed and generally felt lousy since we arrived home.  Thankfully, he did not have any outward symptoms until we got home.   He has taken DayQuil and NyQuil and rolled on my personal favorite, VapoRub.  By the way, it now comes in a roll-on form and is very easy to use.  This is one old remedy I really believe in.  Still, he has a very bad cold.

It is so unusual for B to get sick that I just take it for granted he won’t get sick.  But he did.  We don’t know how he got it, either, as we always (even before covid) we take hand sanitizer with us everywhere and use it whenever we return to our car and after touching anything at a restaurant.   So far, I have escaped what he has, but I am dealing with seasonal allergies and lack of sleep because he is coughing and just generally, sick.  Last night was especially bad.  He does not, though, appear to have a fever.

Plus, we arrived back home, I checked our freezers (all fine), went to the coop and counted chickens and ducks, all accounted for, but Mr Puffy was breathing really hard.  More to come about Mr Puffy.

That meant I could now go to bed.  I had to get out a pair of flannel pj’s because the house was FREEZING cold and neither of us was going to start the wood stove.  By now it was 1:15 and I had chicken duty at 6:00 a.m.  B came to bed around 2:00 and he was not only exhausted, but had started coughing some.

Wednesday I was up and out by 6:30.  And here is a funny.  I let the chickens/Muscovy ducks out first, then Freddy and gang.  Freddy stopped dead in his tracks.  Who is this person?  It doesn’t look quite like Kimberly (he liked her A LOT) but was it Mommy????  He sniffed my boots, he sniffed my jacket and I could almost physically see the light bulb in his brain come on.  I was MOMMY!!!  I came back!!!  He couldn’t believe it!  He followed me around just like a dog while I did the morning chores.  Lucy grunted at me, she knew it was me and the rest of the clan just ignored me.  I mean, food, fresh water and treats were all the same to them.

Plus, Freddy wanted to tell me a whole bunch of stories, but who knows what he was trying to tell me.  Once again, if I bent over, he was in my face.  He just knew who I was!

I got a few things done Wednesday, like starting the wood stove and cleaning most of the goose cage out and shoveling in fresh shavings. I made a split green pea soup and added pieces of ham.  It was darn good, too.  In fact, we have a very small amount to finish up for supper tonight, along with leftovers from last night.

I really didn’t feel too bad, except I was very, very sleepy.  B got a few things done, including an online auction that went on a few hours, as well as taking care of several customer and order issues. but he wasn’t himself.

Thursday, I didn’t go out of the yard all day like Wednesday but I was really dragging.  I finished my clean up of the goose cage and did a really poor job of cleaning the chicken coop.  It needs more shavings, but it hasn’t gotten it yet.  I did move a fresh bag of shavings out to the coop, but darned if I have spread any of them.

I also got the bright idea that I would make a lasagna.  It seems that my friend, Kathy, had had another operation on her arm while I was gone.  When I broke my leg years ago, she sent over a delicious chicken and stuffing casserole.  Anyway, I made the lasagna sauce and surprised myself that it came out as well as it did.  B did some things and got caught up with his part-time job, plus working on the estate issues.

Friday dawned and I just had to go get some groceries, plus we were about driving on fumes in the car.  So off to Market Basket;  I arrived around 10:00 a.m.  Although I did get a parking spot, the place was packed.  Grrr.  I got my groceries and spent almost the same amount of time waiting in the check-out line as I did getting them.  Then I limped to the gasoline station for a fill-up.

On to Hannaford’s store to finish my grocery shopping and finally, home.  B was just getting up.  I got the groceries put away (mostly) and then started in on making the lasagna.  I basically used my regular recipe except I used hamburger rather than sausage and I used cottage cheese instead of ricotta.  I didn’t like the brand of ricotta they had at the store.  Essentially, I made the lasagna for Kathy in a 10×10 dish and put the leftovers into a 8×8 glass dish for us.  We had just enough for 2 meals.  I was pleased that it came out as well as it did.  That meant I needed to deliver Kathy and Bill’s dish to them.  All they had to do was warm it up.  They did and said it was “delicious.”    Since Dr John and Sandy don’t live too far from them, I took them eggs and finally, home.

As to the critters, as noted, everyone survived except for Mr Puffy.  His breathing kept getting worse, and I finally asked B to put him down.  I really blame myself, as I knew something was wrong before I left for vacation.  I should have tried to contact a vet to see if they could recommend something for him.  Mr Puffy didn’t deserve to die that way.    He was a good duck and I enjoyed him. 

Also, I have been “critter” sitting the last few days, as I have let them out of the pen.  The pen has no grass in it and they all need some fresh grass and the geese and ducks want to swim in the pond.  So, I spend an hour or two a day outside watching them before trying to get them back in the pen.  I really look like a witch while babysitting!  I even have a broom on my lap!   The chickens want to explore everywhere and I have to keep them in one area.  I need to be able to see them at all times.

And, one last thing, we had a bear attack while we were away.  Again, I did something foolish.  The feeders were all empty except I left suet in a couple of feeders.  Yep.  That is all it took.  The bear bent the pole too.  Here is a picture.  B straightened it out yesterday and put the feeder away.

Oh, I forgot.  Today I made a Kentucky Butter Cake in my  new bundt pan.  It is delicious!  I like to make something for each derby day.  I always look forward to watching the 2 minute race.  But I won’t be wearing a hat!

Stay well.

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